

6 Makanan ini terbukti ampuh tingkatkan kecerdasan otak

Merdeka.com - Kecerdasan otak ternyata tidak hanya didukung dengan olahraga otak atau aktivitas yang mampu merangsang kecerdasan otak. Makanan yang Anda konsumsi pun dapat berperan besar dalam meningkatkan kualitas fungsi otak serta kecerdasan otak Anda.

Berikut adalah makanan yang sebaiknya Anda makan untuk menambah fungsi otak seperti dilansir dari magforwomen.com.

Bawang putih
Bawang putih merupakan makanan yang mengandung antioksidan yang sangat kuat. Sehingga bawang putih dapat menjaga kesehatan seluruh sel tubuh termasuk sel otak. Bahkan sel-sel otak Anda terhindar dari penuaan dini.

Sayuran berdaun hijau
Selain mengandung zat antioksidan yang tinggi, sayuran berdaun hijau juga mengandung vitamin B12 dan B6 yang dapat menyehatkan sel otak Anda. Dengan banyak mengonsumsi sayuran jenis ini, otak Anda pun terhindar dari degradasi sistem saraf pusat.

Banyak peneliti yang mengatakan bahwa mengonsumsi banyak ikan dapat membuat Anda cerdas. Sebab ikan mengandung banyak asam lemak omega 3 yang baik untuk kesehatan otak karena asam lemak ini akan memicu sekresi serotonin. Karena naiknya hormon ini, maka fungsi otak juga akan naik.

Minyak zaitun
Daripada menggunakan minyak biasa untuk memasak, lebih baik Anda menggantinya dengan minyak zaitun terutama yang berjenis extra virgin. Sebab minyak ini mengandung polifenol yang kuat. Polifenol membantu dalam memperlancar sirkulasi darah ke otak serta mengurangi kadar kolesterol jahat di dalam aliran darah.

Beras cokelat
Selain baik untuk kesehatan tubuh karena mengandung mineral seperti magnesium, beras cokelat juga mengandung vitamin B6. Vitamin ini mampu meningkatkan fungsi sel otak Anda

Blueberry merupakan salah satu jenis buah-buahan yang baik dikonsumsi untuk meningkatkan kecerdasan sel otak. Blueberry mampu menangkal radikal bebas yang berbahaya untuk kesehatan otak. Serta blueberry dapat meningkatkan memori dan keterampilan motorik Anda.

Daripada mengonsumsi multivitamin yang mengandung bahan kimia, lebih baik Anda memperbanyak konsumsi makanan sehat di atas. Selain kecerdasan otak meningkat, kebugaran tubuh pun akan bertambah karena mengonsumsi makanan tersebut.



Passive voice , Causative verbs , Relative pronouns

A. Causative Verbs
     Let / Make / Have / Get
     The following is a mini-tutorial on the use of the causative verbs "let," "make," "have," and          "get." After you have studied the tutorial, complete the associated exercises. If you already          know how to use these verbs, you can skip the explanation and go directly to the exercises.
   1. LET
             [let + person + verb]
       This construction means "to allow someone to do something."
·                  John let me drive his new car.
·                  Will your parents let you go to the party?
·                  I don't know if my boss will let me take the day off.
    2. MAKE
                     [make + person + verb]
       This construction means "to force someone to do something."
·                  My teacher made me apologize for what I had said.
·                  Did somebody make you wear that ugly hat?
·                  She made her children do their homework.
    3. HAVE
                [have + person + verb]
        This construction means "to give someone the responsibility to do something."
·                  Dr. Smith had his nurse take the patient's temperature.
·                  Please have your secretary fax me the information.
·                  had the mechanic check the brakes.
      4. GET
          Formula :
                 [get + person + to + verb]
          Use :
          This construction usually means "to convince to do something" or "to trick someone into              doing something."
·                  Susie got her son to take the medicine even though it tasted terrible.
·                  How can parents get their children to read more?
·                  The government TV commercials are trying to get people to stop smoking.
         Get vs. Have
        Sometimes "get someone to do something" is interchangeable with "have someone do              something," but these expressions do not mean exactly the same thing.
·                  got the mechanic to check my brakes.
At first the mechanic didn't think it was necessary, but I convinced him to check the brakes.
·                  had the mechanic check my brakes.
I asked the mechanic to check the brakes

b. Causative verbs

Have something done and Get something done are both used to refer to actions which are done for

the subject rather than by the subject. Causative verbs are used instead of passive verbs to show that

the subject causes the action to be done

Examples of causatives

Have (give someone the responsibility to do something)

· I had John fix the car

· I had my hair cut

Make (force someone to do something)

· The teacher made the students work in groups

· Our boss made us work extra hours

Get (convince or trick someone into doing something)

· He got the mechanic to repair the machine.

· She got him to read more.

Let (allow someone do something)
· Jane let her son go out

· They let the children play in the yard

Other causative verbs

Other causative verbs include:
allow, help, enable, keep, hold, force, require, persuade

c. Relative Pronouns
     That / Who / Which

A relative pronoun is a pronoun that introduces a relative clause. It is called a "relative" pronoun because it "relates" to the word that its relative clause modifies. Here is an example:
·                     The person who phoned me last night is my teacher.
In the above example, "who":
·                     relates to "The person", which "who phoned me last night" modifies
·                     introduces the relative clause "who phoned me last night"
There are five relative pronouns: whowhomwhosewhichthat
Who (subject) and whom (object) are generally only for people. Whose is for possession. Which is for things. That can be used for things and people only in defining relative clauses (clauses that are essential to the sentence and do not simply add extra information).

 We use who and whom for people, and which for things.
Or we can use that for people or things.

We use relative pronouns:

• after a noun, to make it clear which person or thing we are talking about:
        Examples :
             the house that Jack built
             the woman who discovered radium
             an eight-year-old boy who attempted to rob a sweet shop

 to tell us more about a person or thing:
        Examples :
             My mother, who was born overseas, has always been a great traveller.
             Lord Thompson, who is 76, has just retired.
             We had fish and chips, which is my favourite meal.

     But we do not use that as a subject in this kind of relative clause.
     We use whose as the possessive form of who:
          Examples :
        This is George, whose brother went to school with me.
     We sometimes use whom as the object of a verb or preposition:
           Examples :
                    This is George, whom you met at our house last year.
                    This is George’s brother, with whom I went to school.

      But nowadays we normally use who:
            Examples :
                    This is George, who you met at our house last year.
                    This is George’s brother, who I went to school with.

      When whom or which have a preposition the preposition can come at the beginning of          the clause...
             Examples :
                     I had an uncle in Germany, from who[m] I inherited a bit of money.
                     We bought a chainsaw, with which we cut up all the wood.

      … or at the end of the clause:
                    I had an uncle in Germany who[m] I inherited a bit of money from.
                    We bought a chainsaw, which we cut all the wood up with.

        We can use that at the beginning of the clause:
               Examples :
                      I had an uncle in Germany that I inherited a bit of money from.
                      We bought a chainsaw that we cut all the wood up with.

Sumber : 

Selasa, 29 April 2014


6 Makanan ini terbukti ampuh tingkatkan kecerdasan otak

Merdeka.com - Kecerdasan otak ternyata tidak hanya didukung dengan olahraga otak atau aktivitas yang mampu merangsang kecerdasan otak. Makanan yang Anda konsumsi pun dapat berperan besar dalam meningkatkan kualitas fungsi otak serta kecerdasan otak Anda.

Berikut adalah makanan yang sebaiknya Anda makan untuk menambah fungsi otak seperti dilansir dari magforwomen.com.

Bawang putih
Bawang putih merupakan makanan yang mengandung antioksidan yang sangat kuat. Sehingga bawang putih dapat menjaga kesehatan seluruh sel tubuh termasuk sel otak. Bahkan sel-sel otak Anda terhindar dari penuaan dini.

Sayuran berdaun hijau
Selain mengandung zat antioksidan yang tinggi, sayuran berdaun hijau juga mengandung vitamin B12 dan B6 yang dapat menyehatkan sel otak Anda. Dengan banyak mengonsumsi sayuran jenis ini, otak Anda pun terhindar dari degradasi sistem saraf pusat.

Banyak peneliti yang mengatakan bahwa mengonsumsi banyak ikan dapat membuat Anda cerdas. Sebab ikan mengandung banyak asam lemak omega 3 yang baik untuk kesehatan otak karena asam lemak ini akan memicu sekresi serotonin. Karena naiknya hormon ini, maka fungsi otak juga akan naik.

Minyak zaitun
Daripada menggunakan minyak biasa untuk memasak, lebih baik Anda menggantinya dengan minyak zaitun terutama yang berjenis extra virgin. Sebab minyak ini mengandung polifenol yang kuat. Polifenol membantu dalam memperlancar sirkulasi darah ke otak serta mengurangi kadar kolesterol jahat di dalam aliran darah.

Beras cokelat
Selain baik untuk kesehatan tubuh karena mengandung mineral seperti magnesium, beras cokelat juga mengandung vitamin B6. Vitamin ini mampu meningkatkan fungsi sel otak Anda

Blueberry merupakan salah satu jenis buah-buahan yang baik dikonsumsi untuk meningkatkan kecerdasan sel otak. Blueberry mampu menangkal radikal bebas yang berbahaya untuk kesehatan otak. Serta blueberry dapat meningkatkan memori dan keterampilan motorik Anda.

Daripada mengonsumsi multivitamin yang mengandung bahan kimia, lebih baik Anda memperbanyak konsumsi makanan sehat di atas. Selain kecerdasan otak meningkat, kebugaran tubuh pun akan bertambah karena mengonsumsi makanan tersebut.

Senin, 21 April 2014


Passive voice , Causative verbs , Relative pronouns

A. Causative Verbs
     Let / Make / Have / Get
     The following is a mini-tutorial on the use of the causative verbs "let," "make," "have," and          "get." After you have studied the tutorial, complete the associated exercises. If you already          know how to use these verbs, you can skip the explanation and go directly to the exercises.
   1. LET
             [let + person + verb]
       This construction means "to allow someone to do something."
·                  John let me drive his new car.
·                  Will your parents let you go to the party?
·                  I don't know if my boss will let me take the day off.
    2. MAKE
                     [make + person + verb]
       This construction means "to force someone to do something."
·                  My teacher made me apologize for what I had said.
·                  Did somebody make you wear that ugly hat?
·                  She made her children do their homework.
    3. HAVE
                [have + person + verb]
        This construction means "to give someone the responsibility to do something."
·                  Dr. Smith had his nurse take the patient's temperature.
·                  Please have your secretary fax me the information.
·                  had the mechanic check the brakes.
      4. GET
          Formula :
                 [get + person + to + verb]
          Use :
          This construction usually means "to convince to do something" or "to trick someone into              doing something."
·                  Susie got her son to take the medicine even though it tasted terrible.
·                  How can parents get their children to read more?
·                  The government TV commercials are trying to get people to stop smoking.
         Get vs. Have
        Sometimes "get someone to do something" is interchangeable with "have someone do              something," but these expressions do not mean exactly the same thing.
·                  got the mechanic to check my brakes.
At first the mechanic didn't think it was necessary, but I convinced him to check the brakes.
·                  had the mechanic check my brakes.
I asked the mechanic to check the brakes

b. Causative verbs

Have something done and Get something done are both used to refer to actions which are done for

the subject rather than by the subject. Causative verbs are used instead of passive verbs to show that

the subject causes the action to be done

Examples of causatives

Have (give someone the responsibility to do something)

· I had John fix the car

· I had my hair cut

Make (force someone to do something)

· The teacher made the students work in groups

· Our boss made us work extra hours

Get (convince or trick someone into doing something)

· He got the mechanic to repair the machine.

· She got him to read more.

Let (allow someone do something)
· Jane let her son go out

· They let the children play in the yard

Other causative verbs

Other causative verbs include:
allow, help, enable, keep, hold, force, require, persuade

c. Relative Pronouns
     That / Who / Which

A relative pronoun is a pronoun that introduces a relative clause. It is called a "relative" pronoun because it "relates" to the word that its relative clause modifies. Here is an example:
·                     The person who phoned me last night is my teacher.
In the above example, "who":
·                     relates to "The person", which "who phoned me last night" modifies
·                     introduces the relative clause "who phoned me last night"
There are five relative pronouns: whowhomwhosewhichthat
Who (subject) and whom (object) are generally only for people. Whose is for possession. Which is for things. That can be used for things and people only in defining relative clauses (clauses that are essential to the sentence and do not simply add extra information).

 We use who and whom for people, and which for things.
Or we can use that for people or things.

We use relative pronouns:

• after a noun, to make it clear which person or thing we are talking about:
        Examples :
             the house that Jack built
             the woman who discovered radium
             an eight-year-old boy who attempted to rob a sweet shop

 to tell us more about a person or thing:
        Examples :
             My mother, who was born overseas, has always been a great traveller.
             Lord Thompson, who is 76, has just retired.
             We had fish and chips, which is my favourite meal.

     But we do not use that as a subject in this kind of relative clause.
     We use whose as the possessive form of who:
          Examples :
        This is George, whose brother went to school with me.
     We sometimes use whom as the object of a verb or preposition:
           Examples :
                    This is George, whom you met at our house last year.
                    This is George’s brother, with whom I went to school.

      But nowadays we normally use who:
            Examples :
                    This is George, who you met at our house last year.
                    This is George’s brother, who I went to school with.

      When whom or which have a preposition the preposition can come at the beginning of          the clause...
             Examples :
                     I had an uncle in Germany, from who[m] I inherited a bit of money.
                     We bought a chainsaw, with which we cut up all the wood.

      … or at the end of the clause:
                    I had an uncle in Germany who[m] I inherited a bit of money from.
                    We bought a chainsaw, which we cut all the wood up with.

        We can use that at the beginning of the clause:
               Examples :
                      I had an uncle in Germany that I inherited a bit of money from.
                      We bought a chainsaw that we cut all the wood up with.

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